Archive for Sprint Hart

Legit Wheels, Crazy Price Tag

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on July 31, 2012 by coricivic

It’s been forever since I’ve been on here. Life’s been getting in the way. But anyways, I don’t know if you keep tabs on fads with wheels and the price tags that go along with them but it can get pretty outrageous. From your common wheel that just carries a huge price with it to the find of a century on some obscure “JDM” wheel, the price some are willing to pay is outrageous. I’m a fan of the “golden era” (88-00) Civics so to me anything larger than a 16″ wheel is hideous to me. This being said, price tags creeping up on, and sometimes passing the $1500 mark are, and have been, a common thing. For some fiending for that perfect look they’ve been envisioning in their head as they’ve been snatching up every penny they could this isn’t outlandish. It’s that final touch that sets their car out from the field of Rotas and other knock-off wheel companies that most flock too. Some would call this a waste of money as they envision the number of go fast parts that could be obtained with that much loot. But to each his own. I think that is something that needs to be remembered in our community. Rather than cutting up on every car that isn’t up to your own standards take it for what it is. Someone else’s car who doesn’t necessarily have the same ideas of what is and isn’t important. The sense of unity between Honda heads sometimes feels as though it’s been lost. It’s a shame but it is what it is. Be yourself, fuck everyone else.